Qualifications for Membership

Prospective members have to be proposed and seconded by a member of the Court (the Company’s governing body). Applicants from all walks of life are welcome, particularly, but not exclusively, from those who have an interest in, or a connection with, the knitwear and hosiery industries. Currently the Company has vacancies and is welcoming applications.

Types of Membership

There are two levels of membership of the Company: Freeman and Liveryman (terms which apply equally to both male and female members of the Company). A candidate for membership of the Company, after being proposed and seconded, is first admitted to the Freedom of the Livery through a simple ceremony which is usually held as part of one of the quarterly Court Meetings, at which point they become a Freeman, also known as “Free of the Livery”. Freemen of the Company are entitled to

  • a Freedom Certificate
  • progression to the Freedom of the City of London
  • receive the Companys twice-yearly Newsletter
  • attend all social events, including sporting events and inter-Livery competitions; cultural events such as visits to places of major historical interest in London; group visits in the UK and overseas (but not Livery Dinners) in their own right
  • apply for full membership of the City Livery Club

A member may choose to remain as a Freeman of the Company, but will usually progress to become a Liveryman. This is achieved after obtaining the Freedom of the City of London (via an application to the Guildhall, sponsored by the Company) and then attending a more substantial ceremony, again at a quarterly Court Meeting. Liverymen are able to:

  • attend formal Company functions (such as Livery Dinners) in their own right.
  • take an active part in the running of the Company, perhaps through joining, by invitation, a Committee or the Court of Assistants.
  • vote at Common Hall - the annual elections for the Lord Mayor of London and the two Sheriffs.
  • attend all social events, including sporting events and inter-Livery competitions; cultural events such as visits to places of major historical interest in London; group visits in the UK and overseas.

Routes to Entry

Membership of the Company can be obtained in four ways: by Patrimony; by Servitude; by Redemption; by Presentation.

Patrimony, is open to any child, whether natural born or adopted, of a Member, born subsequent to their parents admission to the Freedom, on reaching the age of 21.

Servitude (or apprenticeship), where the applicant, at between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, has been bound as an Apprentice to a Livery Master for between four and eight years. Such apprentices and their Livery Masters have to sign Indentures, and each apprenticeship has to be enrolled at the Chamberlains Court in Guildhall, London. On completion of the apprenticeship, and having attained the age of twenty-one, the apprentice can claim admission to the Freedom of the company. The Company's most recent apprenticeship was completed in 2007.

Redemption, which is open to applicants not eligible by the previous routes. This is now the usual method of admission to the Freedom.

Presentation, by which the Court may confer the Freedom and Livery of the Company upon a person who has rendered distinguished service to the Country, the City of London, the Company, or the knitting industry and its allied trades.

Fines (fees) are payable on admission to the Freedom and subsequently on advancement to the Livery. The Fine will vary according to the route of entry. The current Fines and the Quarterage (the annual fees) are shown below. Reduced joining fees and quarterage charges are available on a tiered basis for full members (i.e. Liverymen) aged 18 to 44. Details will be provided by the Clerk on request.

Membership Fees (2025)

Membership Fees (2025): One-Off Fees

Admission to the Freedom & Livery Fee Notes
by Redemption - Single £575 Includes the first year's Quarterage
by Redemption - Couple** £945 Includes the first year's Quarterage
by Redemption - Son / Daughter £450 Includes the first year's Quarterage
by Patrimony or Servitude £350 Includes the first year's Quarterage
For admission to the Freedom £235

Membership Fees (2025): Annual Fees

Quarterage Fee Notes
Liverymen - Single £415 pa 1st year in Fees above
Liverymen - Couple £625 pa 1st year in Fees above
Freedom only £75 pa

Deeds of Covenant

Deeds of Covenant Fee Notes Test
In addition to the above, each Liveryman is expected to enter into a Deed of Covenant in favour of the General Charities Fund (tax deductible) £120 minimum Payable every year, including the year of joining

* Reduced rates are available on a tiered basis for full members aged 18 to 44. Details will be provided by the Clerk on request.

** Provided that both join within 12 months of each other.

How to Join

Application for membership should be made in the first instance by email to the Clerk who will be pleased to provide further information. Full contact information for the Clerk is on the Contact Us page.